Андрей Смирнов
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Дизайн и размеры

С первого взгляда телефон напоминает Флай ff281. Гаджет компактный: в длину 132 мм с шириной 54 мм и толщиной 8,5 мм при этом весит всего 97 грамм – никаких фактурных элементов, телефон как маленький кирпичик.

Сзади у гаджета ничего нет – даже плохой с 0,3 МП камеры или крошечной вспышки-фонарика. Сверху расположился инфракрасный порт для управления бытовой техникой: кондиционером, телевизором, или освещением дома.

Справа находиться гибридный слот для двух нано сим карт или одной сим карты и карточки микро SD. Снизу – вход USB type-C, решетки второго динамика и отверстие микрофона. На лицевой стороне сверху – основной динамик, а под ним дисплей с толстыми рамками. Он занимает примерно половину площади гаджета.

Справа кнопка вызова меню, слева контакты. Под ними – кнопка принятия и завершения вызова с пиктограммами. По центру –джойстик и центральная клавиша. На клавиатуре с цифрами также есть английские буквы.

Корпус выполнен из матового пластика. Дисплей прикрыт стеклом, по заверениям производителя от Corning Gorilla Glass, номер не известен, но царапины на нем оставить не просто. В руке смартфон лежит удобно, фаски у него сглажены. Гаджет не скрипит при использовании, поверхность шероховатая, не скользкая. Влагозащита отсутствует, но если положить его на мокрый стол с ним ничего не случится.


Телефон оснащен маленьким экраном размером 2.8 дюйма (7.11 см) с разрешением 240 x 320 пикселей. По заверениям производителя используется IPS матрица, но по качеству как обычный TFT.  Яркость экрана смартфона высокая, цвета тусклые, что самое плохое низкая плотность пикселей –они заметны даже невооружённым взглядом.

Углы обзора средние, при небольших углах картинка просто обесцвечивается, на больших уже есть инверсия.

Считается что корпус несъёмный, но его можно легко снять. Только батарею самостоятельно лучше не менять, она припаяна контактами – без наличия паяльника и умений работы с ним можно сломать гаджет.


Jin Guangyao

Qin Su initially pursued Jin Guangyao. After their marriage, both treated each other loved and respect, and he remained grateful that she never spoke ill of his mother. They shared all of their possessions, and though they did not have a sexual relationship after their wedding, Jin Guangyao refused to have affairs or take concubines.

When Qin Su discovered the truth about their relationship, she ceased trusting Jin Guangyao, wondering if «everything I knew was a lie.»

Although she committed suicide, Jin Guangyao still held himself responsible for her death and maintained that he had truly loved her.

Jin Rusong

Qin Su appears to have been devastated by her son’s death, as rumors spread that she was too grief-stricken to bear another child. Even after finding out that he was born of incest, Qin Su demanded to know the truth about his death and slapped Jin Guangyao when he suggested that Jin Rusong would have had to die.

Qin Cangye

Qin Su and her stepfather appeared to be quite close, as Jin Guangyao attempted to calm her down by suggesting she go away to travel with him. Additionally, once he married Qin Su, Jin Guangyao’s position and influence in the Lanling Jin Sect grew tremendously with Qin Cangye’s support, further underscoring how important Qin Su was to her stepfather.

Madam Qin

Despite the circumstances of her birth, Madam Qin was close enough to her daughter that her distress at Qin Su’s upcoming wedding was attributed to difficulty letting go of her daughter.



At some point during the Sunshot Campaign, Jin Guangyao saved her life. Qin Su then fell in love with him and pursued him, despite her father’s hesitance.
As Jin Guangyao feared further delays in their marriage, they consummated their relationship prior to their wedding, which occurred roughly a year after the death of Wei Wuxian. Qin Su was, therefore, already pregnant by the time her mother approached Jin Guangyao to confess that Qin Su had been conceived when Jin Guangshan raped her, and thus, they were actually half-siblings.
As a result, Jin Guangyao still married Qin Su and she became the mistress of Carp Tower. Although he never touched her again, he respected her as his wife, and did not have any affairs. By all accounts including their own, they had a happy relationship until Qin Su found out the truth.
Unfortunately, their son Jin Rusong was murdered at a few years of age, to the great grief of Qin Su’s. At the time, the murder was pinned on a political opponent of Jin Guangyao’s, and Jin Guangyao tore down the culprit’s sect in revenge.


Shortly before Madam Qin died, she had confessed the truth about her daughter’s parentage to her maid Bicao. Nie Huaisang eventually bribed Bicao to approach Qin Su on the eve of a Discussion Conference to give her a letter detailing the truth.

Upon reading the letter, Qin Su collapsed in her bedroom. When Jin Guangyao entered, she demanded the truth from him and refused to believe his initial denial. She told him that he scared her, because if he was capable of this, he was capable of anything. Unbeknownst to the both of them, Wei Wuxian was also watching in his paperman form.

Qin Su refused to allow Jin Guangyao to touch her, even just to help her up. He pled that he had sincerely loved her, and even if she thought he was disgusting now, they should act normal lest society judge them. He promised to send her away to travel with Qin Cangye so that she could be away from him as soon as the conference was over.

Qin Su, however, demanded to know if he had killed Rusong. Jin Guangyao denied it, but when he added that Rusong would have had to die even if he hadn’t been murdered, Qin Su slapped him.

As her hysteria grew, Jin Guangyao sealed most of her meridians and took her to rest inside their treasure room. He begged her once again to tell him who wrote the letter, but Qin Su did not respond.

After the paperman was discovered, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji led many cultivators rushed into the treasure room, as Wei Wuxian had also discovered that Jin Guangyao had kept the severed head of Nie Mingjue inside. Qin Su said nothing as the cultivators entered, but when Jin Guangyao pulled out an Assassin’s Dagger of unusually strong resentful energy, she suddenly snatched it from his hands and plunged the blade into her stomach.

The dagger’s energy was so strong that Qin Su died almost immediately. Jin Guangyao then drew his sword Hensheng on the person he believed to be Mo Xuanyu. When Wei Wuxian unsheathed Suibian to defend himself, Jin Guangyao exposed him as the the Yiling Patriarch.


Bicao later approached a many prominent members of the cultivation world at Lotus Pier to share her story. She admitted to giving Qin Su the letter at Carp Tower, and claimed Jin Guangyao must have killed Qin Su to silence her.

Although he had initially thought the same, Wei Wuxian quickly countered that Qin Su had killed herself because she couldn’t bear what Bicao told her, and silently reckoned that she had decided death was preferable to the cruel gossip of the cultivation world.

When Jin Guangyao was mortally wounded, he listed Qin Su among the people he had killed, indicating that he viewed himself responsible for her suicide.


Телефон поддерживает Bluetooth версии 4.2. Работает он великолепно. Можно вывести звук на отдельные динамики.

Телефон поддерживает B2, 3, 5, 8 GSM частоты. Из WCDMA (3G частот) присутствует поддержка B1, 2, 5, и 8 диапазона. И главное поддержка 4G в стандартах FDD-LTE (B1, 2, 3, 5, и TDD-LTE (B38, 40, 41). Уровень сигнала хороший, даже в метро можно разговаривать. Звонки слышно хорошо, но вот вибрации при вызове нет.

Есть Wi-Fi 802.11 работающий по стандартам b/g/n. Подключается без проблем. Спутниковая навигация, видимо, только для китайцев: GPS у нас не ловит. При попытке запуска ошибки. Радио есть, но работает оно через интернет, FM частот смартфон не поддерживает.

Операционная система

Смартфон Xiaomi Qin 1S работает на основе операционной системы Mocor 5 SC9820E  на базе Андройд 4,4. Интерфейс не яркий, с большими иконками. Тема только одна и не редактируется, но картинку рабочего стола заменить можно. Смартфон поддерживает три языка: традиционный китайский, упрощенный китайский и английский.

Русского языка нет и скорее всего не будет, телефон предназначен для внутреннего рынка Поднебесной. Из привычных приложений присутствуют: будильник, калькулятор, календарь, и переводчик с китайского на 17 языков. Именно из-за этого телефон и назвали AI, намекая на наличие в нем искусственного интеллекта. Однако по сути это обычный интернет-переводчик, связанный с китайскими сервисами.

Недобросовестные продавцы могут продавать ее под видом старшего брата. Внешних отличий нет, но начинка другая. Процессор Spreadtrum SC9820E.  При этом только 8 Мбайт оперативной и 16 Мбайт внутренней памяти, а также отсутствует GPS модуль и связь только в 2G. Она стоит около 30 $.


Qin Su was well-mannered and extremely innocent, to the extent of seeming a tiny bit dense.

Qin Su was the pursuer in her eventual romance with Jin Guangyao, and she was apparently bold enough to pursue him despite her father’s hesitance.

Unlike many in the cultivation world, Qin Su did not seem to hold status and origin against people, as she never once looked down on Jin Guangyao for his mother’s status as a prostitute.

Qin Su was loyal and protective, as she refused to give Jin Guangyao Bicao’s name out of implied fear that he would harm her mother’s former maid.

She dearly loved and respected Jin Guangyao and her son Jin Rusong.

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